Pavel Panák
- Patent Attorney (reg. no. 420)
- EUIPO’s Professional Representative (reg. no. 63661)
- E-mail:
- Graduated from the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University in Prague and the Institute of Industrial Property Training at Industrial Property Office. He has been working in the field of intellectual property since 2008, gaining relevant work experience at IP law offices as well as at the Head Office of the Czech Academy of Sciences. In 2011, he passed professional exams and became a patent attorney.
- Languages: Czech, English, French
Gabriela Becková
- Patent Assistant
- E-mail:
- Patent Assistant with more than twenty years‘ work experience in the field of intellectual property. Currently, she attends the Institute of Industrial Property Training at Industrial Property Office in Prague.
- Labuages: Czech, English
Dr. Daniel Herman
- Translator
- E-mail:
- Graduated from the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague.
- Languages: Czech, English, French